R&D Projects

CREATOUR Azores – Turning the Azores into a Creative Tourism Destination

Principal Investigator:
Carlos Santos;
Funding entity:
DRCT - Direção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia; PO Açores 2020 / FEDER;
Total financing:
187,454.89 €
01/03/2019 - 30/04/2023

The main objective of this project is to train several agents located in the Azores to develop, implement, and promote creative tourism experiences. Through these experiences tourists will have opportunities to actively participate in creative activities, providing opportunities for learning, creative self-expression and interaction with local communities. The creative tourism approach allows both visitors and local communities to benefit from tourism by promoting cultural vitality and sustainability and allowing artistic and creative activities to play a decisive role in socio-economic development.
Additionally, the CREATOUR Azores project intends to reinforce knowledge about the specific market segments with greater interest in creative tourism products, which can be offered in the region (matching profiles of characteristics and offers of specific destinations), as well as to identify the most appropriate to communicate with these differentiated segments. Given the unique location and the intrinsic characteristics of the Azores, there is a very high potential for the development of attractive and unique creative tourism offers at an international level

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