Composition of the Bodies

Maria Teresa Pinheiro de Melo Borges Tiago

Maria Teresa Pinheiro de Melo Borges Tiago

DirectorCoordinator of the Azores

Maria Teresa Borges Tiago, Ph.D. in Marketing, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Azores, and an invited professor at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS). She is a Research Fellow at the Center of Applied Economic Studies of the Atlantic – University of the Azores and an invited researcher at Advance/CSG, ISEG – Lisbon University.
Her main research interests include Digital Marketing, Consumer Behavior, and Tourism. She has published articles in peer-reviewed scientific international journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Business Horizons, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and Tourism Management. She is an associate editor at Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality Journal and belongs to the editorial board of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, and Tourism Review.