Composition of the Bodies

Daniela Fantoni Alvares is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Tourism Degree at the School of Business and Economics, University of the Azores. She has a PhD in Planning from the University of Minho and an MBA in Tourism from the Catholic University of Brasilia. In tourism for over 20 years, she combined teaching activities with market experience and specialized consultancies.
She has held management positions at the national level in Brazil, including Department Director of Regional Tourism Development Programs and General Coordination of Structuring of Tourism Destinations in the Ministry of Tourism. She also coordinated Federal Programs in Brazil, including Prodetur and Tourism Regionalization Program (Ministry of Tourism) and Pronatec; Certific and eTec Network. She has extensive experience in planning, execution, and monitoring of tourism projects. She worked in consulting for Sebrae/MG: seminars, lectures, formation of Municipal Tourism Councils, planning workshops, technical elaboration of Strategic Action Plan and mediation of working groups.
She is a researcher at the Center of Applied Economic Studies of the Atlantic (CEEplA), University of the Azores, and external researcher at the Competitiveness, Governance and Public Policy (GOVCOPP) in the Tourism and Development Research Group, University of Aveiro, Portugal, and at the Laboratory of Studies in Tourism and Sustainability (LETS), University of Brasilia, Brazil. Nowadays, she teaches Tourism and Development in the Master of Economic and Business Sciences; Tourism Product Management in the Graduate Program of Cultural Tourism; and Tourism Introduction, Techniques of Tour Guides and Entrepreneurship in the Tourism Degree. She has researched tourism, planning, management, innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and cultural heritage and has joined the Project team SIEMCI (CYTED) and TRANS-lighthouses (EU-HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES).